Minority Outdoor Alliance
Minority Outdoor Alliance with the support of visionary organizations across the country, has been encouraging people from diverse walks of life, ethnic backgrounds, and cultures, to make the outdoors an integral part of their lives.

Everyone at MOA believes a lack of diversity outside has been the norm for far too long. As a result, we are creating a more multicultural community in nature, and we are also making sure that we sustain the ever-growing number of enthusiastic participants engaging in more and more outdoor activities.
Together with partnering organizations, we are bringing awareness to universal challenges such as climate change, pollution, conservation, water shortages and more; all to ensure we collectively understand these dangers threaten our global community’s ability to enjoy our environments at their fullest potential. We strive to build exciting events around the country, foster minority advancement in the outdoor industry, influence local and national policy, and to advance minority leadership positions. These invaluable initiatives are all driven towards our overarching goal – Uniting Communities for Joy and Conservation.

Durrell Smith

Ashley Smith

Kris Rockwell
Board Chair

Land Tawney
Board Member

Saravanan Sankaran
Board Member

Jacob Broussard
Board Member
We appreciate every one of our partners for helping us to achieve the goals of MOA
Join us on our adventures and check out our media features and press coverage through Outdoor Journal.